Get Unstuck
A 12 week program to get you out of a rut
If you're...
feeling lost
unsure of what your next steps are
a chronic overthinker
not fully in grasp of your emotions
suffering from low self-esteem
Read on.
If you feel like there's something missing, or that life feels stale and monotonous, you're not alone - so many people feel this way.
You probably have an idea of where you'd like to be, that you'd like things to be different, but don't know how to get there or think you're 'good enough' to achieve xyz.
This 12 week, 8 session program is designed to clarify what you want out of life, setting goals to get you closer to your desired outcome, meanwhile exploring the blocks in the way, whether that's in the form of limiting and destructive beliefs, critical self-talk, an overactive nervous system triggering anxiety that stops you from taking action and keeps you small, and repressed emotions and responses that keep you stuck in the past in the form of grief and/or symptoms of depression.
This program is designed for you to experience shifts in your mindset, mood, energy, and an increase in self-acceptance and self-awareness.
Depending on each person, I will draw from my wide range of tools/techniques to get you closer to where you want to be, whether it's mindfulness skills to teach you how to be grounded in the present more which can keep your mind from spiraling or overthinking, grounding techniques, breathing practices and yoga nidra to slow your nervous system down, or emotional processing techniques from body scanning meditations, tapping (EFT) and developing a stronger sense of what is happening inside your body.
We will be measuring progress throughout the journey to keep you on track and to evaluate what does or does not work for you, keeping the program tailored to your needs.
Overview of the journey:
Stage 1
What do you want?
Session 1 | week 1
Clarifying your vision, your values, and your reasons.
Using Solution-Focused Therapy to gauge where you are on your scale of readiness to change and how you will know when you have achieved your goal.
Hw: Worksheets and journal prompts.
Stage 2
What do you want? Planting the seed.
Sessions 2 & 3 | week 2, 4
Narrowing your goals - both long and short-term.
Exploring blocks and using Motivational Interviewing to identify reasons for not changing/reasons for change and increasing your confidence in your ability to change. This can range from exploring your origin stories, using CBT to identify core wounds and limiting beliefs, emotional processing, or ACT to learn to make room for any uncomfortable or fearful emotions that may come up.
Visualisation meditation + take home tools/homework.
Stage 3
Monitoring progress - watering the seed.
Session 4-6 | week 6, 8, 10
Exploring shifts in mindset, using scales to determine progress and reviewing what new obstacles may have surfaced, and adapt.
Identifying new beliefs you would like to implement and accompanying affirmations to practice. Continue practicing tools and techniques learned so far.
Stage 4
Sustaining change - tending and flourishing.
Sessions 7 & 8 | weeks 11, 12
Sustaining and maintaining progress. Getting into a habit of reviewing goals and adapting, tuning into your body to know what works for you and following your inner guide. Maintaining a positive growth mindset.